Earth has been updated to include aliens and prehistoric beasts in UltraPlayers' new "Hello World". A roguelike game promising a chaotic romp coming to IOS and Android.

Aliens, Dinosaurs and RPG Fun in UltraPlayers' Hello World

Our friends at UltraPlayers, who previously wowed us with such gems as Super Snail and Gumballs & Dungeons, are brimming with excitement over their new mobile RPG, Hello World. Set on a version of Earth that's undergone quite the cosmic makeover, Hello World combines elements of comedy, chaos, and lets players explore an extravaganza of unique experiences, with a dash of alien invasion thrown in for good measure.

In the delightfully warped 2023 of Hello World, an intergalactic sports event - a sort of Space Olympics, if you will - causes the galactic powers that be to rewind our home planet's evolutionary clock in an effort to even out the competition. Suddenly, ancient beasts return from extinction, but alas, the time-traveling shenanigans don't stop there!

Your character is handed the task that every elementary school student's dreamed of - protect Earth from a celestial who's who of prehistoric beasts and alien invaders while working for the World Saving Organisation (probably a place Spider-Man interns at).

Because who needs boring old mundane tasks when you can be saving the world from an array of fantastical threats? And let's not forget the moment when you're hit with the ground-breaking realization that things may not be exactly what they seem – plot twist alert! With reality blending with an illusion, players get to surf the waves of an excitingly uncertain narrative. Remember, whether you choose to believe in ancient sea monsters claiming tax deductions or alien accountants invading your lawn, the choices you make could seal humanity's fate. No pressure.

A key part of Hello World's hook is in its roguelike design track. It means each game's map is procedurally generated. In layman's terms, every round feels like a brand new world waiting to be explored, with surprises waiting behind every corner. And did we mention the Easter eggs and secrets too?

Throw in a bounty of valuable items resulting in boosted stats, you've got yourself quite the thrill ride. Oh right, and did I mention the Guyver system? For those unfamiliar, think along the lines of a Frankenstein-esque biology experiment. It allows players to fuse with various outlandish creatures and plants to create ghoulishly delightful hybrids. Hey, who said preventing an intergalactic takeover couldn't also be a hoot?

Hello World is currently aiming to invade your mobile devices in 2024. Stay tuned for more news on UltraPlayers' quirky new roguelike RPG, and remember: just because it's the end of the world, doesn't mean you can't have a little fun!

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Adam Devine

Hey, it's Adam Devine here! When I'm not out and about, you can bet I'm either casting a line, hoping for the biggest catch, or lounging at home, delivering some epic fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Life's all about the thrill of the catch and the perfect combo move. Whether I'm battling fish or virtual foes, it's all in a day's fun for me. Let's get reel and play on!

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