A typical evening turned game-changing discussion gave birth to a Netflix anime series that many are eagerly awaiting - "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off." This series is based on graphic novels that follow Scott, the bassist in the house band, as he battles his girlfriend's daunting seven evil exes. Initially, Bryan O'Malley, the creator of Scott Pilgrim, nixed the streaming giant's proposal to transform his creative artistry into an animated TV series. During an interview with SFX magazine, he laughed as he said, "I was like 'Hell no!'"
However, a random dinner with his close friend and the series' co-showrunner, BenDavid Grabinski, twisted the tale in a most unexpected way. Grabinski disclosed that O'Malley casually mentioned the proposal during their meal and, surprisingly, the core ideas discussed that laid the foundation for the entire series. Grabinski said, "Almost everything I mentioned over that dinner is in the show. There are a lot of twists and turns and most of them came together extremely quickly, just in that conversation." This dinner, in reality, was not planned as a strategic meeting to map out the show.
Following their dinner chat, O'Malley revisited Netflix with a re-energized approach, a clear vision for the show, and the person he wanted to collaborate with on the project. This reunion ultimately led to the creation of the anime series, which debuted years later on Netflix.
The narrative continues from Edgar Wright's 2010 film adaptation, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and revolves around Scott, a layabout and musician residing in Toronto. To win the love of Ramona Flowers, his new muse, he needs to first defeat her menacing seven evil exes. "A new adventure" is how the show is categorized so it will probably explore an additional phase in Scott and Ramona's dramatic relationship.
The anime series comes alive with the multitude of voices from the movie's cast - Brie Larson, Chris Evans, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Michael Cera recreate their roles in the 2D anime series. Stars like Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza, Mark Webber, Jason Schwartzman, Brandon Routh, Mae Whitman, and many more rejoin the original ensemble. The series is brought into the modern era with fresh music by Anamanaguchi.
The highly anticipated Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is slated to launch on Netflix on November 17. The detailed series creation story can be further explored in our interview with O'Malley and Grabinski in the newest edition of SFX Magazine. The copy, featuring Doctor Who on the cover, will be available at newsstands from Wednesday, November 1. To stay informed about all SFX activities, one can sign up for the newsletter and receive all the most recent exclusives directly in their inbox. This anime series stands as a testament to a spontaneous conversation, showing that great ideas can sometimes come about in the most casual of circumstances.
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