Lost In Cult, known for its unique and premium gaming journals, is raising funds for their newest edition - 'Lock-On Vol.006'. Gaming aficionados can now place pre-orders for the forthcoming volume, which promises to be a full-blown homage to the world of gaming.
The latest instalment offers readers a chance to dive deep into the past, present, and future of the gaming world. It will be composed of more than 400 pages filled with intriguing gaming essays, exquisite concept galleries, and arresting artwork. The upcoming journal will cover an impressive range of over 65 specific games and game series, including illustrious names such as Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda, Oxenfree, Alan Wake, Disney Illusion Island, and Frog Detective. This volume aims to become an immersive celebration of gaming culture, featuring countless essays from writers, artwork from graphic artists, and insightful interviews with leading figures from the gaming industry.
Lost In Cult is providing four purchasing options for its customers. The first option is a softcover version priced at GBP24.99. For those who prefer a more sturdy option, there's a hardcover version available at GBP49.99. Additionally, a bundle version is available for GBP99.99, which includes all of the previous Lock-On journals, offering a great deal for those who want an in-depth look into the gaming world. Lastly, a deluxe version is up for grabs at GBP119.99, loaded with extras such as Alien Hominid 'Mars Attacks' style cards, Castle Crashers papercrafts, art prints, posters, and more. Purchase of these journals can be made on Lost In Cult's official website, with shipping expected to start in Q2 of 2024.
Beyond the 'Lock-On Vol.006', Lost In Cult has also announced the soon-to-be-released book named 'The Console Chronicles'. The book is a collaborative project with Time Extension and promises to narrate the remarkable history of the console industry, offering yet another delightful treat for gamers.
Its previous works have given Lost In Cult a place in the hearts of many gaming enthusiasts. The premium quality of content and its dedication to encapsulating the expansive world of gaming have made it an indispensable source for gamers around the globe. Each volume of Lock-On is more than just a journal - it's a love letter to gaming.
So whether you're a seasoned gamer eager to explore deeper into your passion or a newbie just dipping your toes into the thrilling world of gaming, 'Lock-On Vol.006' is likely to be a captivating experience. So why wait? Make sure you secure your copy right away.
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