An unlikely Oklahoma visit in Loki season 2 premiere may cause a storm in the Marvel Universe.

Loki's New Season: Revelatory Post Credits and Oklahoma Blues

After an agonising wait, Loki's season 2 sets foot on Disney Plus, picking up from the cliffhanger season 1 finale faster than you could say "Mephisto confirmed". But the gem, or should we say, the time stone of this premiere might be hiding where mostly everyone switches off - in its post-credits sequence. So gear up Marvel fans, a potential cataclysmic event in Loki's life, and the ineradicable impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) could be lurking within.

*Spoilers coming in hotter than dragon's breath for Loki season 2, episode 1*

In the post-credits delicacy of Loki Season 2's first episode, Sylvie, our favorite Asgardian mischief-maker goes on a trip to Broxton, Oklahoma. "So what?" you ask. It might not throw a party, but the quiet town of Broxton bears significant weight in Loki's comic saga. Essentially, what happened to Loki in Broxton is directional to his metamorphosis with contemporary implications.

Broxton emerged on Marvel's map in Thor #1 (2007), when Thor decided to turn Broxton's skies into a parking spot for Asgard, a floating celestial city. The town embraced their new, extraterrestrial neighborhood. But like all good things, this spell was broken during the 2010 Siege event in which Loki's plan to seize Asgard boomerangs, thanks to Norman Osborn's cheeky idea to obliterate it instead. Dismayed by the turn of events, Loki is made a casualty by the Dark Avengers' power machine, the Sentry, heralding Loki's demise, and eventual reincarnation as Kid Loki.

How does this comic chapter fit into MCU's version of Loki? Will Broxton's silent cameo hint at Loki's villainous U-turn, or maybe use it as a stage to bring in Sentry, speculated for Thunderbolts? As much as we love the thrill of Loki's unpredictability, his connections to Oklahoma surely aren't mere chance.

As we eagerly await with popping popcorns and 'Free Loki' banners, Loki season 2 continues its weekly mystery unravelling on Disney Plus. Will Loki once again demonstrate his profound power of resurrection? Will he wreak havoc with his tricks? Will he...well, we're just excited to see more Loki, honestly.

But until then, let's keep our detective glasses on and perhaps review everything from Loki season 1 again, maybe throw in a Marvel movies marathon, or simply wait by creating wild theories with everyone else.

So for now, it's a warp! Stay tuned folks and brush up your Loki lore while you wait for the next episode. From Norse gods to Oklahoman landscapes, seems like anything can happen in Loki season 2. Guess the God of Mischief really can't resist leaving us guessing!

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Adam Devine

Hey, it's Adam Devine here! When I'm not out and about, you can bet I'm either casting a line, hoping for the biggest catch, or lounging at home, delivering some epic fatalities in Mortal Kombat. Life's all about the thrill of the catch and the perfect combo move. Whether I'm battling fish or virtual foes, it's all in a day's fun for me. Let's get reel and play on!

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