Strategic depth meets dark fantasy in the upcoming remake of Solium Infernum, launching into Steam Early Access with a multiplayer playtest set for early 2024.

Solium Infernum Remake Poised for Early Access in 2024

Strategic games are where cunning meets conquest, and few settings are as ripe for such a showdown as the fiery depths of Hell. "Solium Infernum", with its infernal premise, is making a grand return to claim the throne of strategy games yet again, this time with a modernized remake scheduled to launch into Steam Early Access on the most fitting of dates – February 14th, 2024.

The original Solium Infernum was a game that took players on a voyage through the deepest circles of Hell, challenging them to ascend to the highest ranks of diabolic leadership. As Archfiends, players would engage in both military and political maneuvering, wading through treacherous waters where backstabbing and betrayal were just as valuable as the legions commanded.

Despite its rudimentary visuals, Vic Davis' creation charmed the strategy game community with its deep, complex gameplay, so much so that it was immortalized in the diary series the "Gameboys From Hell" featured on the gaming site RPS. It's a game known for requiring not just strategic acumen but a shrewd political mind, able to form temporary alliances while planning the inevitable stabs in the back that would propel a player to victory.

The audacious task of creating a sleek and refurbished version of this compelling strategic experience has been undertaken by League of Geeks. This is a team already celebrated for their work on "Armello", the animal-themed turn-based strategy game, and the more recent Early Access space colony sim "Jumplight Odyssey". They're stepping into grand shoes—and based on what we know so far, they seem ready to fill them.