The anime community recently reacted to one of the most unexpected happenings in the latest trailer of Spider-Man 2 from Insomniac Games. Mary Jane Watson, otherwise known as MJ, failed when she tried to pull off the iconic 'Akira slide', a popular bike stunt highly regarded in the world of anime.
Originating from a spectacular scene in the 1998 anime, 'Akira slide' has become a recognized move where a character stops their motorcycle in a super stylish way. With its impactful imagery, this slide has solidified its popularity over the years, paving its way into various films, shows, manga, and games - suggesting that if there's a bike chase set in a futuristic premise, an Akira homage is almost obligatory.
Insomniac Games put their spin on the Akira homage in the latest trailer of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. A short clip embedded in the trailer showed MJ attempting the legendary drift and stop, only for her front wheel to detach, causing her to crash. It's noteworthy that this shift towards performing unexpectedly failed stunts is a laudable change from the original game where Mary-Jane's missions revolved around taking photos with the phone.
Fans and followers had myriad reactions to this unexpected botch-up. While some took MJ's failed stunt in a light vein, others reflected upon the potential shifts in the character's role in the game, leading to intriguing discussions on various platforms.
Speculations were rife on Reddit, with one fan pitching an exhilarating idea of an MJ-led set piece in which she's seen zipping away from a symbiote-infected Peter Parker, utilizing a motorcycle. Simultaneously, a user on ResetEra jokingly suggested that MJ might eventually perfect the tricky slide, possibly during the end-game moments, coming in to steal the scene with a saving-the-day device. However, not all reactions were optimistic, with some suggesting MJ's failed slide indicates a not-so-cool moment.
The eerie lighting, falling debris, and the roadblock seen in the clip insinuate a pivotal—possibly dangerous—event unfolding in MJ's narrative. While enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the game's release, it's worth a cautionary note to tread carefully in online fandom spaces. After all, Spider-Man 2 has lately suffered a cyber leak, revealing bosses, cutscenes, and multiple suit versions, clouding up the thrill of the unexpected.
Insomniac Games, well aware of the leak, promptly warned fans of potential spoilers, reminding them about the carefully crafted surprise-filled storyline they'd love to explore firsthand. The countdown is on for the October 20th launch of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and while the wait continues, fans can spend time revisiting the best ever Spider-Man games. Thus, despite MJ's failed Akira slide, the upcoming game promises plenty of anticipation and intense, action-packed fun.
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