In an intriguing turn of events, Yoshimi Yasuda, the president of Dragami Games, announced quite cryptically on Twitter that Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP is set to become a remaster for PS5, not the remake as previously announced. This classic PS3 game has a cult following that was initially thrilled about the announcement of the remake. However, due to fans’ requests, Yasuda reported that the game design will now turn to remastering instead.
"We have changed the game design based on your requests," The Dragami Games executive tweeted out of the blue. It left many wondering how the tweaking of the game design from a remake to a remaster would impact the upcoming release.
Although the tweet was slightly baffling, the implication seems to be that the re-released experience will be much closer to the original than was first planned. Naturally, a 'remake' would suggest a complete revamp or rebuild of the existing game. In contrast, 'remasters' are generally more conservative, relying on the pre-existing code while giving a makeover to the assets.
Despite these assurances from Yasuda, without additional context or information, the gaming community is hard-pressed to understand what he meant by changing the game design from a remake to a remaster.
As Yasuda’s announcement left more questions than answers, fans and gamers are eagerly awaiting more information with bated breath. The game is anticipated to be released in 2024, after being delayed a few months back.
It's expected that Dragami Games will reveal more about the game project soon. These revelations could clear up the mystery around Yasuda's tweet, and give all those waiting a better idea of what to expect from the remastered Lollipop Chainsaw.
The PS3 cult classic’s revival in a new form has sparked a sense of nostalgia among fans. The original game attained quite a fan base with its unique gameplay and narrative.
Lollipop Chainsaw, a hack and slash video game, hit the market in 2012, designed by the renowned game designer Goichi Suda. The game quickly captivated players with its unique blend of horror, humor, and entertaining gameplay.
Now, over a decade later, the decision to reintroduce the popular game with enhanced graphics, clearer textures, and other subtle enhancements that do not change the original's core essence has left the gaming community thrilled.
Even though the information remains scanty, the gaming community’s anticipation for the remastered Lollipop Chainsaw continues to grow. Given the legacy and popularity of the original game, it's reasonable to expect the remaster to add a fresh layer to the cult classic without losing its original charm. Only time will tell how this latest development will play out and the impact it'll have on this well-loved gaming franchise.
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