Renowned comics publisher, DC, has revealed plans for a grand celebration of Black History Month in 2024. The celebration will herald a new installment of the DC Power anthology, an exclusive one-shot comic dedicated to showcasing Black characters and creators. Every February, the month-long Black History Month observation takes place, however, DC Power 2024 will arrive a bit ahead of schedule towards the end of January.
The DC Power 2024 one-shot anthology will be headlined by a remarkable story from prolific writer NK Jemisin and renowned artist Jamal Campbell. They will collaborate once again to serve the readers an epilogue to their acclaimed Far Sector limited series. The Far Sector series, introduced in 2021/22, gave birth to the character Green Lantern Jo Mullein in the DC Universe. After her debut, the glorious Green Lantern character Mullein joined the cast of the recurring Green Lantern comic franchise. Building on this storyline, the new story woven by Jemisin and Campbell paints a vivid picture of the first meeting between Jo Mullein and her co-Green Lantern John Stewart.
The DC Power 2024 one-shot anthology will not just have one contributing creator duo. It boasts an impressive roster of creators including widely acclaimed writers John Ridley, Brandon Thomas, Lamar Giles, Shawn Martinbrough, Cheryl Lynn Eaton, and Alitha Martinez. Alongside them, we will also find skilled artists such as Edwin Gaimon, Khary Randolph, Denys Cowan, Tony Akins, Asiah Fulmore, and others who are yet to be announced.
The anthology will feature a colorful tier of characters such as the Signal, Crispus Allen appearing as the Spectre, Thunder and Lightning (the daughters of Black Lightning), Bloodwynd, Val-Zod of Earth-2, Nubia, and many more.
This 104-page one-shot will be tunefully dressed with a main cover created by Chase Conley, with variant covers by Jamal Campbell and Denys Cowan. A gallery showcasing the beautiful interior pages from Jemisin and Campbell's Far Sector story and the whimsical covers that have been public so far will be released as a part of this anthology.
Excitement buzzes around as the release date for DC Power 2024 #1 approaches - set to hit the stands on January 30. It promises to gather the best of DC's stardom in a richly drawn, deeply narrated anthology. Jo Mullein has already secured a prestigious place in the heart of fans and critics alike, who regard her as one of the best Green Lanterns of all time. With this new release, DC enlivens its rich history and adds another memorable chapter in diversity and representation in the majestic comic universe.
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