The gaming world was recently buzzing with excitement as Devsisters USA unveiled an enthralling cinematic trailer promoting their upcoming web series "Last Cookie Standing". This series is based on the world of their popular game, Cookie Run: Kingdom. It is officially set to make its debut on November 8th, and expectant fans can catch the weekly episodes on the official YouTube channel.
"Last Cookie Standing is an innovative way for our fans to get an intimate understanding of our Cookie characters and further immerse themselves in the kingdom we've created", shared Producer, Director, and Co-Writer, Vi Viet. They assure the viewers of a delightful experience, filled with unique character interactions and hidden easter eggs, thereby expanding their engagement with the Cookie Run: Kingdom universe.
Eager fans of Cookie Run: Kingdom seeking more freebies can look forward to a list of redeem codes available to enrich their gaming adventure. The producers are thrilled about this new project and refer to it as a significant achievement for their dedicated team. The Creative Director of Devsisters USA, Jenn Wu sees this as the onset of a creative journey and a testament to their potential.
But the excitement isn't limited to the virtual world. Cookie Run: Kingdom fans can also revel in real-world goodies. Beginning November 3rd, the game has joined hands with Sharetea to offer a host of free merchandise. Lucky fans even stand a chance to win a year's supply of free boba. This thrilling promo is due to continue until December 3rd, promising a full month of brewing excitement.
For those Contemplating stepping into the Cookie Run world, the game can be downloaded free from the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. It functions as a free-to-play game with some options of in-app purchases.
To ensure you are always updated with the latest information and developments, you can visit the official website of Cookie Run: Kingdom. With the promise of an imaginative web series, various in-game redeem codes, real-world rewards, and a community of enthusiastic players, Cookie Run: Kingdom has a lot to offer to both existing fans and those about to embark on this sweet journey. So, download now and join in on the fun!
With its whimsical world, engaging narrative, and unique web series on the horizon, Cookie Run: Kingdom indeed qualifies as the entertainment package game lovers wish for. Exploring the realm through this upcoming "bite-sized" web series while simultaneously enjoying its in-game offers makes stepping into the kingdom of cookies a tempting expedition. And as the crest of excitement around the series rises with the approaching premiere date, fans and new players alike eagerly await the opportunity to indulge in the warm, delightful universe of Cookie Run: Kingdom. As the apt saying goes, the cookie crumbles, but in the wonderful world of Cookie Run: Kingdom, the delight never ends.
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