The long-awaited English fan patch for the PlayStation 2 game, Boku no Natsuyasumi 2, has been unveiled, marking the end of an arduous, meticulous eleven-month translation project. The game, which teleports players back to the 1970s' Japan, is now accessible to non-Japanese-speaking players, thanks to the committed effort from Hilltop Works, who announced the patch release on their Twitter account.
Hilltop Works, the creator of the patch, sought localization assistance from Cargodin. The patch project also includes contribution in graphic editing and video editing from OldGameBox and blamerobots, audio transcription from SnowyAria, and playtesting from Oculin and gwendolyn. Ensuring to cater to a wider range of devices, the developers have made it operational on PS2 and emulators. However, it's worthy to note that some glitches have been reported with early-model modified PS3s, requiring user attention.
In the gaming world, Boku no Natsuyasumi is a renowned series, with its inception dating back to the 2000s with the PlayStation title of the same name. The sequel Boku no Natsuyasumi 2, rolled out in 2002 for the PS2, maintains the same fundamental premise of the original version – a summer escapade to the Japanese countryside where the players indulge in catching bugs and interacting with locals.
Notwithstanding avid interest from the western audience, this four-game series was never officially released in Europe or North America, robbing westerners of a firsthand experience. The only exceptions were its spiritual successors such as Attack of the Friday Monsters and Shin-Chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation. Interestingly, hackers and fan translators took the matter into their hands in an attempt to bring this series of games to a broader, international audience.
Enthusiastic Boku no Natsuyasumi fan @obskyr announced back in 2021 his project of translating the Portable PlayStation (PSP) remake of the original game. Despite zero updates, the project is expected to be ongoing. Concurrently, another dedicated team, led by Hilltop, is developing a patch for the original version of the PS2 sequel, thereby invigorating the fans' excitement.
Regarding the game and the patch release, Hilltop expressed, "It's an honor to be working on this game. This is a truly wonderful and unique franchise that never made it to the west. A lot of work has already been poured into this game to get it to where it is. This has been one of the most challenging games to wrangle with but I'm beyond delighted at the state it's in. Boku 2 has so much charm and many deeply touching moments; I'm proud to be able to share it with you all."
For the eager fans and those who have been patiently waiting for this patch, it is recommended to keep a close eye on Hilltop's Twitter, lend a supporting hand on Ko-Fi and Patreon, and watch for updates on the development and download availability of the patch.
This English patch release for Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 marks another milestone in the journey to make the game accessible to international players. Fans worldwide are no doubt looking forward to experiencing this nostalgic trip to 1970s' Japan. And if the buzz surrounding its release is anything to go by, it's all set to make a splash in the English-speaking gaming world.
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