Super Mario Galaxy

  • Genres: Platform, Adventure
  • Platforms: Nintendo Switch
  • Studios: Nintendo European Research & Development, Nintendo, Nintendo EAD
  • Release Date: 09/17/2020

Mario's cosmic quest to save Peach with updated features and controls.

Super Mario Galaxy has been brought back to life in Super Mario 3D All-Stars, giving fans the chance to experience this stellar adventure once again. This beloved game takes Mario on an intergalactic quest to save Princess Peach from Bowser's assault of astronomical proportions. With updated features, controls, and graphics, players are in for a treat.

The game begins as Mario joins forces with Rosalina, a kind and motherly figure who resides in the Comet Observatory. Bowser has taken Princess Peach and her castle into space, and it's up to Mario and Rosalina to stop him. Together, they embark on a journey through galaxies filled with unique challenges and gravity-defying puzzles.

One of the exciting features in this updated version is the inclusion of Joy-Con and touch controls. Players can now choose to use motion controls, allowing them to perform certain actions by physically waving the Joy-Con controllers. It adds an extra level of immersion to the gameplay and makes it feel like you're truly part of Mario's cosmic adventure.

In addition to the motion controls, Super Mario Galaxy also introduces Co-Star Mode. This feature allows a second player to join in the fun by using a separate Joy-Con controller. The second player can assist Mario by collecting Star Bits, attacking enemies, and even capturing certain objects. It's a great way to enjoy the game with a friend and work together to overcome challenges.

Another notable improvement in Super Mario Galaxy is the updated textures. The game now features enhanced graphics, making the vibrant and imaginative worlds even more stunning. From the colorful landscapes to the detailed character models, everything looks better than ever before. It's a joy to explore each galaxy and discover all the hidden secrets.

Furthermore, the game also received a higher output resolution, which means players can experience the game with sharper and clearer visuals. This is particularly noticeable when playing in handheld mode on the Nintendo Switch, where the game looks fantastic on the smaller screen. Whether you're at home or on the go, Super Mario Galaxy delivers a visually captivating experience.

The game's level design is truly remarkable, taking full advantage of the spherical planets concept. Mario can jump from planet to planet, defying gravity and discovering new surprises at every turn. The variety of galaxies ensures that each level feels fresh and exciting, with different challenges and obstacles to overcome.

The soundtrack of Super Mario Galaxy is also worth mentioning. Composed by the legendary Koji Kondo, the music perfectly captures the whimsical and adventurous spirit of the game. The melodies are catchy, the orchestration is beautiful, and it adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the gameplay experience.

There's no doubt that Super Mario Galaxy is a timeless classic. Its unique gameplay mechanics, imaginative worlds, and charming characters have made it a favorite among Mario fans worldwide. The updated version in Super Mario 3D All-Stars brings new life to the game, allowing a new generation of players to experience the magic of this interstellar adventure.

In conclusion, Super Mario Galaxy in Super Mario 3D All-Stars is a must-play for all fans of the plumber in the red cap. With updated features, controls, and enhanced graphics, it offers a fresh and exciting experience for both newcomers and longtime fans alike. Blast off into the cosmos and save Princess Peach from Bowser's assault in this stellar adventure!